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Karen Tinker : Reiki Master

Rose Rock Moutain

I had another occasion to work with Maria's group when she was away in Croatia.  As I said before, my 'job' was simply to hold energy for the group to their own thing.

It was a similar experience to the Golden City one.  As each of the group began to work with their own energies, several of us were aware that in the centre of the room was an energy--again rising up through the floor.

And again, had the others not also seen it, I would have believed I had imagined it.

We stood in a circle and simply held energy for the Rose Rock which was coming up.  It looked like a huge rose quartz crystal, but had quite different energies with it from what we were used to with rose quartz.

It was domed, like the golden city, but rose up in a mountain form, with no buildings or streets delineated.  There was nothing city-like about it--not from the outside.  It pulsed and glowed from its interior, giving off an amazing energy and, like the city had done, it continued to rise up and up through the building we were in and through the roof.

I was aware of life within it--but could not say what kind of life--apart from very high-level, advanced.  It seemed to be more thought-form life, to me at least.

I don't remember now if Maria had the same experience at the time, as she did when the Golden city was rebirthed, but she and her group did have something similar going on.

I had the impression or awareness that this was a precursor for something.

Since the coloured rays have come into my consciousness, I believe that the Rose Rock and the Golden City were both precursors.

Karen Tinker : Reiki Master

I am prepared to travel the world as a Reiki and Seichem Teaching Master, Egyptian Cartouche Teaching Master and Quantum Touch level I Instructor, delivering those courses.

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